New ways of working

The challenge

Southeastern needed to launch and embed new ways of working to their 4,500 employees. The railway needed to evolve to meet the changing needs of passengers, and to do that, every single employee needed to be proactive and to question what they could do to serve the person in front of them — colleague or customer — better.

The creative solution

Using psychological insights, we developed the creative platform which focused on the smallest moments which individuals could control — ‘Tiny moments’. We needed to reframe what great looked like, and what was recognised and rewarded.

We needed to give people permission to do the small things which, collectively, would make a huge difference for colleagues and customers. Finally, the look and feel was bold and distinctive to signal change.

The outputs

We launched to 75 senior leaders with a hands-on, personalised activity — each leader received their own ‘tiny moment’ recognition, which collectively created a reveal of the launch visual.

The all colleague launch included a film, posters and table talkers in 150 locations, plus a manager guide to having positive conversations based on appreciative inquiry. We also supplied campaign guidelines so that the team at Southeastern had everything they needed so ‘Tiny moments’ could show up at the right times — including the recognition platform — Extra Mile.

“You haven’t just helped us articulate who we are, but who we want to be; in a way that our people will understand. You just seemed to “get it”. I know that didn’t “just” happen, it’s down to professional experience and approach… it has never felt hard. And genuinely — it’s been really fun!”

Kirsten Howes

Head of People, Southeastern Railway

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